Latest publication: Consequence on project complexity of the increased presence of financial owners for major capital projects

We have been pleased to contribute to the latest issue of Connect Magazine of ICCPM (International Centre for Complex Project management) on the topic of ‘Consequence on project complexity of the increased presence of financial owners for major capital projects‘ (link to the full article)

A definite trend in infrastructure and energy is to have financial holdings take ownership over large complex capital projects. Those owners do not have the history, technical background and experience that more traditional industrial owners have developed over time. In addition to possible unrealistic expectations, additional complexity is created because of the need to contract additional owner engineers, future operator and project management support entities. Project complexity can then reach a threshold where the project outcome becomes quite unpredictable. The article explores the consequences of this trend in terms of contracting strategies and the associated complexity risk. It also provides insights as to the measures that financial owners should take to be successful.

This setup may create issues and project complexity concerns, mainly along three dimensions:

  • A general context of excessive expectations regarding project and asset performance,
  • Lack of competence of the owner to drive the right technical decisions during project definition and execution, in the interest of the full lifecycle value of the asset. This is also linked to poor governance including inadequate control of key project milestones,
  • Lack of alignment of interests between owner and owner assistance contributors leading to poor project execution decision-making. This additional complexity may have a significant impact on project delivery.

It is our persistent observation that capital projects involving financial owners are often much more complex mostly due to the involvement of additional contributors, compounded by a frequent lack of understanding by the owner of the key capital project success factors. This is however not inevitable. Practices that will allow one to overcome this situation include internalizing sufficient competencies and project control capabilities, setting realistic expectations aligned with industry benchmarks, being careful about adequate and timely decision-making, and setting up an integrated project team aligning all contributors towards a common goal.

Read our ICCPM Connect article ‘Consequence on project complexity of the increased presence of financial owners for major capital projects‘.

If you can’t access the link to the white paper, copy and paste the following link in your browser:


Interview of Project Value Delivery founder by Project Control Academy

We are pleased to share the latest interview of Jeremie Averous with Project Control Academy. The topic of the interview is about project control practices as well as project career, with some personal insight from Jeremie about what brought him to create Project Value Delivery.

More details about the context of this interview and about Project Control Academy on their post ‘Interview with Jeremie Averous, Author of Practical Project Control Manager Handbook and Project Soft Power‘.

Some excerpt: “Jeremie thinks that many project controllers spend majority of their time in areas of their expertise and therefore they may forget about their true role as project controller. For instance, if a project controller used to be a scheduler before becoming a project controller or project control manager, he or she may spend majority of his or her time in their comfort zone of scheduling. However, they have to realize that their role as a project controller or project control manager is consistency across all disciplines.

Project controls is not just about scheduling, cost, or risk. It integrates them all with consistency. And a project controller needs to focus on this important role of creating consistency among various disciplines of project controls. If as a project controller or project control manager you have difficulty with focusing on your role, try to get a mentor or coach so you can refocus on what your role is.”

Discover the full video interview:

If you can’t access the links in this post:

  • Project Control Academy post related to this interview:
  • Vimeo video:

Owner Programme Management Assistance: Our experience at your service for project success

Properly structuring, leading and controlling the execution of a large complex program or project are three key success factors.

Building on our practical execution experience and our method we have developed experience to effectively assist Owners in implementing these factors on your construction project.

We get involved at all stages of project set-up and execution. Since the preliminary stages often determine the success of the endeavour we like to get involved early to help the Owner structure its team and its contracting strategy.

For more information, download our Programme management flyer in English or our Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage en français


Reap True Value From Merger & Acquisitions

The Oil & Gas sector is definitely moving into deep restructuring and M&A this year. Noesis Consulting Solutions and Project Value Delivery have joined forces to propose companies in the O&G sector unparalleled experienced and support team – the OGMA Task Force – when they decide to develop through restructuring, joint venture or M&A.

OGMA Task ForceOGMA Task Force consultants have been part of most of the major offshore construction companies’ set-up/turnaround in the last years (CSO, Technip, Sapura/Acergy, S7, Emas, SBM, etc.)

From the due diligence to the realisation of the synergies we can assist, support and advise top Executives and company’s key departments involved in the process to make sure companies can reap true benefits from the M&A.

OGMA Task Force differentiates through:

  • Real industry knowledge and capacity to evaluate actual condition of ongoing projects and the actual condition of assets (including offshore) – not relying on financial analysis only;
  • Implementation of project management approaches to M&A task force to deliver reliably on time what is needed;
  • Experience in organizational transformation and actual due diligence / M&A
  • Capacity to provide you with the best value – even if it is to recommend not to proceed;
  • Wide coverage including Intellectual Property, Communication and branding, Supply Chain etc.;
  • Limited number of highly expert and powerful contributors – not a diluted team with lots of juniors – and we can work discreetly outside the organization;
  • Dual presence in Singapore and in Europe.


Feel free to contact us, confidentiality is in our DNA:


Launch of ProjectAppServices and MobiProjects

We are pleased to announce the launch of ProjectAppServices and the establishment of a close partnership between this new company and Project Value Delivery. This new partner will give us new capabilities to respond to the needs of our Clients, as needed.

ProjectAppServicesProjectAppServices‘ Mission is to create significant value for projects’ execution by selecting and deploying specialized apps or software in the Project environment – with the aim to remain simple and specific to the task at hand.

ProjectAppServices logoProjectAppServices develops customized solutions to Clients for simple and complex projects. For each new product, ProjectAppServices partners with experienced IT integrators, leveraging on existing technical platform or software that can be used or developed for the Clients’ needs.

In particular, the new product MobiProjects shows great potential to revolutionize all those paper-based processes across organizational and geographical boundaries MobiProjects logo(such as vendor inspections, QC inspections, defects management, asset on-hire/ off-hire, logistics commitments, receipt notes etc.) thanks to a ground-breaking mobile platform technology that is: proven, cheap and easy to customize and deploy.

You can contact the ProjectAppServices team at

MobiProjects concept


Announcing a New Senior Partner and a New Branch in France

As part of our global development, we are particularly pleased to announce the joining of a new Senior Partner and the opening of a new office in France. Ingvar Skogland, an experienced Project Director on large, complex projects is our new Senior Managing Partner for Europe.

Ingvar SkoglandIngvar has more than 16 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry whereof 14 years as a Project Manager during which he has successfully delivered projects in Norway, West Africa and Australia. His experience ranges from fast track Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) projects in the North Sea to deepwater field developments involving Steel Catenary Risers in Malaysia via ERP system and process change management. Ingvar holds degrees in Master in Science in Mechanical Engineering and Master in Management.

Ingvar’s relevant experiences include:

  • Project Director for a 400MUSD+ Lump Sum EPCI contract led the project from tendering through successful completion of the critical phases;
  • as Deputy Project Director for a 800MUSD+ lump sum EPCI contract for an Oil Major, contributed significantly in establishing a robust project organisation that successfully delivered the project;
  • extensive experience in leading teams during tendering and negotiation of EPCI contracts ranging up to several billion dollars;
  • the proven ability to create effective multicultural teams and lead them to success;
  • developing enhanced Management Reporting and Key Performance Indicator processes and systems in close cooperation with executive management;
  • improving Project Management and Control Processes and Procedures.

Ingvar Skogland is a Norwegian citizen. He is married, has two children and lives in Nice, France.

We are excited by Ingvar’s contribution to Project Value Delivery and its clients. With the creation of our new European entity, we expect to be able to respond better to the support needs of the large, complex project industry. Contact us at for any inquiry!


Happy New Year 2014 from Project Value Delivery!

To all our followers passionate about project leadership and delivery, we wish a marvelous year 2014. May this new year allow you all to meet your and you families’ aspirations both personally, and professionally.happy new year 2014

Our PVD community is already strong of a few hundred people who receive our emails periodically and read our White Papers. Our mission is to enhance knowledge about the delivery of Large, Complex Projects: don’t hesitate to contact us at if you wish to contribute to our Expert papers or, comment on the posts when they appear.

In 2014 we plan to come out with reference books that intend to change the way project managers control their projects. Keep tuned!

Wish all of us a very successful project delivery year!


Max Wideman reviews ‘Project Soft Power’ and the ‘Pocket Guide for Large Projects’!

We are very honored that Max Wideman, a well-respected authority in the field of project management (former Chairman of the PMI Board and the coordinator of the first edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge), has published detailed reviews of our first two books on Project Management.

On Project Soft Power, Max Wideman writes:

Project Soft Power Book“Let us be quite clear – you want to be a great project leader and not just an “ordinary” project manager, right? Well, this book, Learn the Secrets of the Great Project Leaders by Jeremie Averous is firmly advocating the adoption of project “soft power” over project “hard power”. The point is, this is something you should strive for if you want to be a project leader on a higher plane than a mere project manager.”

“Undoubtedly, [the book] contains sound advice though not necessarily the sort of advice that is accepted by some generally extrovert personality types. Nevertheless, the case study alone provides an excellent educational tool when relevant review questions are added to provoke thought and discussion.”

Find his full review here.

On the Pocket Guide for Those Daring Enough to Take Responsibility for Large Projects, by Jean-Pierre Capron, Max Wideman writes:

The Pocket Guide to Large Projects by Jean-Pierre Capron“This little book of only 120 pages is packed full of practical and pragmatic advice for (as the title says) “those daring enough to take responsibility for large industrial projects”. Actually, it is a valuable read for anyone in the exciting world of construction project management, or any projects for that matter that are framed by, and conducted under, a serious contractual relationship. “

“As one who has had the best part of half a century on one side of the fence or the other in this multi-faceted major project industry, we thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. That’s because it brought back memories of the things we did right, the things we did wrong or should not have done, and the things we could and should have done, but didn’t.”

“For those in the business described, in our opinion this book provides sound advice, timely cautions, and constitutes a realistic and valuable read. Because of Jean-Pierre’s wry sense of humor this pocket guide is enjoyable reading for anyone involved with, or has some experience of, managing contract work on any significant project.”

Find the full review here.

To build on this great start, Project Value Delivery announces that new books are in the works!

  • Practical Advanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers, a Practical Navigation Guide on Large, Complex Projects
  • Practical Advanced Cost Control Handbook for Project Managers, a Practical Guide to Enable Consistent and Predictable Project Forecasting

Writing is well advanced and the books are being currently reviewed by chosen readers. Publication is expected before Mid-2014. We will update you very soon and share with you some extracts!


Exciting developments for Project Value Delivery

A quick note to share some exciting news and developments for Project Value Delivery

REPlogo 400pxWe have just been awarded Registered Education Provider status by the Project Management Institute. This means that our courses are recognized as ongoing development for certified Project Managers, and we can deliver Professional Development Units

Our advanced courses encounter an increasing success with our clients:

  • Advanced Project Management,
  • Advanced Cost Control,
  • Advanced Project Scheduling for Project Managers,
  • and Advanced Project Risk management.

We customize these courses for our clients for the maximum effectiveness.

In addition, we have started publishing customized and client-branded Project Planning and Cost Control Handbooks which encounter a great success within our clients’ organizations with several hundred copies on order.

Finally, don’t forget to come for our upcoming public speeches!


At the Project Management Institute annual Symposium in Singapore (9-10 October) on October 10 (here is a link to the list of speakers)

speAt a Society of Petroleum Engineers Deepwater workshop in Mumbai (18-20 November) on November 20 (in the project management section of the program)



New Expert’s Corner Paper: Time at Large and Extension of Time

If you come often to visit Project Value Delivery’s website you might have noticed our new ‘Experts’ Corner’. In alignment with our mission to make Large, Complex Projects’ execution more reliable, we make freely available cutting edge knowledge from world-class experts.

constructionThis new section has been opened by a detailed paper on Time at Large and Extension of Time Principles, by Thierry Linares. This excellent paper exposes very clearly the benefits of the new standard forms of contract and why the issue is to important to project execution practitioners. Treatment of time in the contract is an issue for both the Employer and the Contractor and both need to be careful otherwise difficult situations may arise.

This paper has been written by a contract expert and is very readable for all project practitioners of large, complex projects. Don’t miss  Time at Large and Extension of Time Principles, by Thierry Linares!

We encourage experts and practitioners to submit a paper for PVD’s Experts’ Corner, to enhance the knowledge in our community. You’ll find the submission instructions here. If you ever wanted to publish but were apprehensive to do so, you will benefit from our help and support to edit your paper and improve its readability to match our quality criteria (of course, papers must be specifically applicable to large, complex projects execution).
