Owner Programme Management Assistance: Our experience at your service for project success

Properly structuring, leading and controlling the execution of a large complex program or project are three key success factors.

Building on our practical execution experience and our method we have developed experience to effectively assist Owners in implementing these factors on your construction project.

We get involved at all stages of project set-up and execution. Since the preliminary stages often determine the success of the endeavour we like to get involved early to help the Owner structure its team and its contracting strategy.

For more information, download our Programme management flyer in English or our Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage en français


Reap True Value From Merger & Acquisitions

The Oil & Gas sector is definitely moving into deep restructuring and M&A this year. Noesis Consulting Solutions and Project Value Delivery have joined forces to propose companies in the O&G sector unparalleled experienced and support team – the OGMA Task Force – when they decide to develop through restructuring, joint venture or M&A.

OGMA Task ForceOGMA Task Force consultants have been part of most of the major offshore construction companies’ set-up/turnaround in the last years (CSO, Technip, Sapura/Acergy, S7, Emas, SBM, etc.)

From the due diligence to the realisation of the synergies we can assist, support and advise top Executives and company’s key departments involved in the process to make sure companies can reap true benefits from the M&A.

OGMA Task Force differentiates through:

  • Real industry knowledge and capacity to evaluate actual condition of ongoing projects and the actual condition of assets (including offshore) – not relying on financial analysis only;
  • Implementation of project management approaches to M&A task force to deliver reliably on time what is needed;
  • Experience in organizational transformation and actual due diligence / M&A
  • Capacity to provide you with the best value – even if it is to recommend not to proceed;
  • Wide coverage including Intellectual Property, Communication and branding, Supply Chain etc.;
  • Limited number of highly expert and powerful contributors – not a diluted team with lots of juniors – and we can work discreetly outside the organization;
  • Dual presence in Singapore and in Europe.


Feel free to contact us, confidentiality is in our DNA: veronique.lecompte@noesis.bizjeremie.averous@projectvaluedelivery.com


Max Wideman reviews ‘Project Soft Power’ and the ‘Pocket Guide for Large Projects’!

We are very honored that Max Wideman, a well-respected authority in the field of project management (former Chairman of the PMI Board and the coordinator of the first edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge), has published detailed reviews of our first two books on Project Management.

On Project Soft Power, Max Wideman writes:

Project Soft Power Book“Let us be quite clear – you want to be a great project leader and not just an “ordinary” project manager, right? Well, this book, Learn the Secrets of the Great Project Leaders by Jeremie Averous is firmly advocating the adoption of project “soft power” over project “hard power”. The point is, this is something you should strive for if you want to be a project leader on a higher plane than a mere project manager.”

“Undoubtedly, [the book] contains sound advice though not necessarily the sort of advice that is accepted by some generally extrovert personality types. Nevertheless, the case study alone provides an excellent educational tool when relevant review questions are added to provoke thought and discussion.”

Find his full review here.

On the Pocket Guide for Those Daring Enough to Take Responsibility for Large Projects, by Jean-Pierre Capron, Max Wideman writes:

The Pocket Guide to Large Projects by Jean-Pierre Capron“This little book of only 120 pages is packed full of practical and pragmatic advice for (as the title says) “those daring enough to take responsibility for large industrial projects”. Actually, it is a valuable read for anyone in the exciting world of construction project management, or any projects for that matter that are framed by, and conducted under, a serious contractual relationship. “

“As one who has had the best part of half a century on one side of the fence or the other in this multi-faceted major project industry, we thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. That’s because it brought back memories of the things we did right, the things we did wrong or should not have done, and the things we could and should have done, but didn’t.”

“For those in the business described, in our opinion this book provides sound advice, timely cautions, and constitutes a realistic and valuable read. Because of Jean-Pierre’s wry sense of humor this pocket guide is enjoyable reading for anyone involved with, or has some experience of, managing contract work on any significant project.”

Find the full review here.

To build on this great start, Project Value Delivery announces that new books are in the works!

  • Practical Advanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers, a Practical Navigation Guide on Large, Complex Projects
  • Practical Advanced Cost Control Handbook for Project Managers, a Practical Guide to Enable Consistent and Predictable Project Forecasting

Writing is well advanced and the books are being currently reviewed by chosen readers. Publication is expected before Mid-2014. We will update you very soon and share with you some extracts!


The Pocket Guide to Large Projects (for those Daring Enough to Take Responsibility for them) is out!

We are very proud to inform you that our new book by Jean-Pierre Capron, “The Pocket Guide for those Daring Enough to Take Responsibility for Large Projects” is out both in English and French, with a foreword by Tom Ehret!

Le Petit Guide des Grands Projets par Jean-Pierre Capron

The Pocket Guide to Large Projects by Jean-Pierre Capron

In a light, witty and easily readable style, this amazing short book exposes the workings of project-management organizations for large projects with a clarity and a depth never achieved before. Short enough to be easily readable during a trip, it describes clearly what are the steps to follow in terms of organization, tender preparation, project execution and controls, and project close-out.

Some extracts from Tom Ehret’s foreword:

As the title of this guide clearly indicates, it addresses a subject which is not for the faint hearted. The management of Large Industrial Projects is not a subject which is classically taught, as such, at college. Not only is it a very challenging subject in itself, but it is also one for which the available academic basis is quite limited, to non-existent, since the classical project management tools one can learn the use of, in themselves, do not begin to tell you how to run, successfully, a Large Industrial Project. […] Jean Pierre Capron has run large organizations, in many different environments, and held very senior management positions.  Uniquely though, he has kept his ability to home in on what matters in terms of execution and delivery, his appetite for investigating complex situations and looking for the root cause of issues, and his enthusiasm for leading from the front the implementation of solutions. This is why this guide is such an interesting tool: because of who wrote it. It contains a large amount of the experience of someone who not only understands Large Industrial Projects and how they are evaluated, but has also run them, has sorted many out, and has made them into successes. Even more remarkable is the fact that those who have worked with him and learned from him, continue to perform remarkable things within ever more daring Large Industrial Projects. This is clearly the most valuable endorsement

Get your copy on your favorite online bookshop. Both titles are also available on Kindle. Here are a few links (for some technical reasons at Amazon, the books are not available yet on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr, we will send an update when they will be)

and on Kindle:



BREAKING NEWS: The Project Soft Power book is published!

Miracle of the Fourth Revolution, our new book, Project Soft Power – Learn the Secrets of the Great Project Leaders is now out to the world even before we have received the copies from the local printer!

I would strongly recommend this book to anybody who is aspiring to move up the ladder in any project organization towards management positions” – says Babu Surendran, Senior Project Director, in the foreword.

Project Soft Power Book

YOUR PROBLEM: The rate of failure of projects remains unseemly high. The conventional analytic approaches are clearly not sufficient.
THE QUESTION: What makes successful project managers so reliable?
THE SOLUTION: It is not by developing further more detailed, more clever analytical methods. Extensive research identified the practices of Project Soft Power as the most important success factors.

Built around a lively, realistic project story, this short and powerful book provides the project management community with clear insights, self-assessments, simple approaches and tools to apply these groundbreaking new practices of Project Soft Power. Project Soft Power just makes the difference between Luck and Certainty, between Mediocrity and Consistent Success, between Average and Great

And we can now announce also the launch of the Project Soft Power website where you can know more about the Project Soft Power concept, find extracts of the book…

Can’t wait? Here are some links to buy the book. Enjoy!

and on Kindle


Successful launch of Project Soft Power™ concept

During a talk given on 6 March, more than 80 members of the Singapore project management community discovered our concept of Project Soft Power™!

Project Soft Power presentation in action

Project Soft Power presentation in action

This talk sponsored by the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute was very well received. And more over we all had fun! See here the summary report on SPMI website.

Do you want to know more about Project Soft Power ™? Project Soft Power is about the skills you need to be reliably successful as a Project Leader, in particular for Large, Complex Projects. Having the right processes and systems is one thing, but without Project Soft Power you won’t be able to release the potential of the team and obtain consistently reliable results.

Want to know even more? The Project Soft Power book is in the last stages of production for a publication in May of this year. Click here to access the Project Soft Power slides on slideshare. Or, you can also ask us for a keynote speech. In any case, stay tuned!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!
