Successful launch of Project Soft Power™ concept

During a talk given on 6 March, more than 80 members of the Singapore project management community discovered our concept of Project Soft Power™!

Project Soft Power presentation in action

Project Soft Power presentation in action

This talk sponsored by the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute was very well received. And more over we all had fun! See here the summary report on SPMI website.

Do you want to know more about Project Soft Power ™? Project Soft Power is about the skills you need to be reliably successful as a Project Leader, in particular for Large, Complex Projects. Having the right processes and systems is one thing, but without Project Soft Power you won’t be able to release the potential of the team and obtain consistently reliable results.

Want to know even more? The Project Soft Power book is in the last stages of production for a publication in May of this year. Click here to access the Project Soft Power slides on slideshare. Or, you can also ask us for a keynote speech. In any case, stay tuned!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!
