How to Use Different Schedules for Different Purposes in Large Projects

Like a map atlas, to navigate successfully in a Project we need to have various schedules of various detail for different purpose. We explore in our new White Paper 2015-16 ‘How to Use Different Schedules for Different Purposes’ what are the different usage of different schedule detail levels in a Project.

Like map atlases, you need to have the right level of detail for your purpose

Like map atlases, you need to have the right level of detail for your purpose

This Paper is in continuity of our White Paper 2015-14 ‘How to Build a Proper Project Schedule Hierarchy’ where we detail how to build a comprehensive and usable hierarchy of schedules in Large Complex Projects.

Like in many instances in life, for effectiveness, it is essential to understand which tool to use for which usage. The schedule toolbox created by the schedule hierarchy gives flexibility and focus. While it is essential to maintain consistency throughout, it is also essential to make sure that Project contributors use the right schedule for the right usage. Strategic, Project coordination and Operational needs are all addressed in a properly setup Schedule Hierarchy.

Read our new White Paper 2015-16 ‘How to Use Different Schedules for Different Purposes’ to understand better which schedule to use for which purpose!

Find all these principles of Advanced Project Scheduling exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Advanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers: coverAdvanced Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)
