PVD on the road in Oct-Nov: upcoming public speeches

Two upcoming opportunities to hear Jeremie speaking in front of large public audiences about the concept of Project Soft Power!

spmi-300x74At the Project Management Institute annual Symposium in Singapore (9-10 October) on October 10 (here is a link to the list of speakers)

speAt a Society of Petroleum Engineers Deepwater workshop in Mumbai (18-20 November) on November 20 (in the project management section of the program)

Project Soft Power is about the skills that make project leaders successful. Because project execution is not a mechanistic application of processes, but a real human adventure. Here are some links on Project Soft Power in Project Value Delivery’s blog: a general introduction, and the 5 roles: the SPIDER, the KUNG FU MASTER, the ENTREPRENEUR, the TEAM COACH, and the PEOPLE CATALYST.

Discover more in the Project Soft Power book! It is available in softcover or on Kindle:


PVD to give a talk on large, complex projects at the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore on 21 February

We are pleased to give a speech at the FCCS on 21 February at 8:15 (breakfast talk) on the topic of “Large and Complex Projects in Asia-Pacific: Harnessing Consulting & Transition Management to Address Challenges and Opportunities”, together with X-PM, a leading transition management company.

Follow this link to the event and for registration (reserved for FCCS members).

Global statistics show that two out of three large projects fail (i.e., do not meet the original financial and operational objectives) and that some major project failures have dire consequences on owners and/or contractors, sometimes leading to the bankruptcy or loss of independence of those organizations.

Indeed, large, complex projects (in the multi-billion dollar range, as is often the case in industries like Oil & Gas, Mining or Energy) are posing daunting challenges to leadership and management in various mission critical situations. In this context, conventional management, classical accounting and planning are often not effective, and these projects usually require out-of-the-box support in the form of specific expertise, consulting and transition management services. Importantly, taking charge of a large, complex project, or taking it over in the midst of its execution, requires specific skills and experience.

 Transition management is relatively a new notion in Asia-Pacific but it is rapidly gaining ground in the fast-growing markets of the region. But what is it? Basically, transition management consists in providing clients with hands-on management resources, within a specific timeframe, with well-defined objectives, especially when companies are faced with critical challenges or opportunities that they cannot fully address with internal resources.

Participants to this stimulating session will take away from the speakers, Jeremie Averous, Senior Managing Partner of Project Value Delivery Pte Ltd and Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM Transition Partners, issues faced by these project leaders and a good understanding on how exciting but challenging projects can greatly benefit from an innovative approach like transition management.

We will publish the slides on the PVD website after the event.


Did you Read the Slides of our Latest Public Presentation on Large, Complex Projects?

Don’t miss the opportunity to get more understanding of what makes Large, Complex Projects different and what you need to do to make sure they are successful!

Take a few minutes to read this insight-packed presentation that was given early September at the Project Management Institute in Kuala Lumpur!



Did you register for our Speech on Large, Complex Projects in Kuala Lumpur on 11 September?

Did you register for our speech on “How to Master Large, Complex Projects: a Different Ball Game“?

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!

Project Soft Power presentation in action – having fun!

This speech will be given by Jeremie Averous our Senior Managing Partner Tuesday 11 September 2012 from 6:30pm onwards at Bukit Kiara Resort in Kuala Lumpur. Interested? All the details are to be found in the PMIMY flyer for Jeremie’s speech.
As usual Jeremie will interest and entertain you with his dynamic style!

Come to this exclusive opportunity to gain insights into Large, Complex Projects and discover Project Value Delivery’s proven approach to deliver these projects successfully!

Click here for the details to the speech venue and registration. Don’t miss this unique opportunity and maybe even win some of our books!


Don’t miss our Public Talk on Large Complex Projects in Kuala Lumpur – 11 September evening!

The Malaysian Chapter of the Project Management Institute is organizing a talk by Project Value Delivery on “How to Master Large, Complex Projects: a Different Ball Game“.

Jeremie Averous during a public speech

Jeremie in action during a public speech

This speech will be given by Jeremie Averous our Senior Managing Partner Tuesday 11 September 2012 from 6:30pm onwards at Bukit Kiara Resort in Kuala Lumpur. Interested? All the details are to be found in the PMIMY flyer for Jeremie’s speech.

As usual Jeremie will interest and entertain you with his dynamic style!

Come to this exclusive opportunity to gain insights into Large, Complex Projects and discover Project Value Delivery’s proven approach to deliver these projects successfully!

Click here for the details to the speech venue and registration. Don’t miss this unique opportunity and maybe even win some of our books!




Large, Complex Projects are to Simple projects what climbing a 8,000m peak is to day-trekking.

We have a lot of fun giving a presentation that is inspired from mountain-climbing challenges to explain what are the particular challenges of Large, Complex projects.

Wait a minute… what is the relationship between managing Large, Complex Projects and mountain climbing?

Large, Complex Projects are to Simple projects what climbing a 8,000m peak is to day-trekking.

Toward Mt Everest

Is your project looking more like this than a nice afternoon walk?

We’ve been running successfully this presentation about “Managing Large, Complex Projects” for a while now, in particular for Clients in the offshore construction industry. And every time, Clients discover with awe and fear that the project they thought would be a nice walk in a sunny day is probably going to be something else. Something you can’t tackle without preparation, processes, equipment, and planning, or you might just die!



We thought it would be worthwhile to share this presentation with you all. You will recognize the general philosophy of Project Value Delivery:

  • Large, Complex projects are not just larger Simple projects – they are a different ballgame
  • Don’t try to do Large, Complex projects in the same business unit than Simple projects
  • You need to change your mindset first before tacking Large, Complex projects (stop focusing on asset utilization and cost cutting)
  • Large, Complex Projects require systems and processes, that’s an upfront investment that should not be neglected.



Successful launch of Project Soft Power™ concept

During a talk given on 6 March, more than 80 members of the Singapore project management community discovered our concept of Project Soft Power™!

Project Soft Power presentation in action

Project Soft Power presentation in action

This talk sponsored by the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute was very well received. And more over we all had fun! See here the summary report on SPMI website.

Do you want to know more about Project Soft Power ™? Project Soft Power is about the skills you need to be reliably successful as a Project Leader, in particular for Large, Complex Projects. Having the right processes and systems is one thing, but without Project Soft Power you won’t be able to release the potential of the team and obtain consistently reliable results.

Want to know even more? The Project Soft Power book is in the last stages of production for a publication in May of this year. Click here to access the Project Soft Power slides on slideshare. Or, you can also ask us for a keynote speech. In any case, stay tuned!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!

Project Soft Power presentation in action - having fun!


Don’t forget: the “Project Soft Power” talk by Jeremie Averous on 6 March 2012 in Singapore

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about Project Soft Power, the differentiator of GREAT Project Leaders!

Jeremie Averous during a public speech

Jeremie in action during a public speech

The public talk by Jeremie Averous, Project Value Delivery’s Senior Managing Partner, will be held on 6 March 2012 at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in Singapore at 7:30pm.

This talk is hosted by SPMI, the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute. More information on this event and how to attend on the website of the SPMI.

Who are these Project Soft Power characters?

Still wondering who are these Project Soft Power characters?

“The most successful project leaders rely not only on their technical and analytical skills, but also on strong personal and interpersonal practices. This speech will allow participants to understand the 5 practices of Project Soft Power, and how everybody can learn and practice them.”

SPMI logo

PMI's Singapore Chapter


Don’t miss ‘Project Soft Power’ talk by Jeremie Averous on 6 March 2012 in Singapore!

We are happy to announce that a public talk by Jeremie Averous, Project Value Delivery’s Senior Managing Partner, will be held on 6 March 2012 at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in Singapore at 7:30pm. This talk is hosted by SPMI, the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute. More information on this event on the website of the SPMI.

Project Soft Power characters

Wonder who are these Project Soft Power characters?

Pencil already this event in your agendas to discover Project Soft Power, the Secret of the Great Project Leaders! in a unique occasion before the publication of the book later this year!

“The most successful project leaders rely not only on their technical and analytical skills, but also on strong personal and interpersonal practices. This speech will allow participants to understand the 5 practices of Project Soft Power, and how everybody can learn and practice them.”
