Why It Is Important to Run Independent Data Checks and Project Reviews

An easy manner to avoid being blind to a Project that is failing is to organize independent data checks and independent Project reviews. Unfortunately it takes a certain level of organizational maturity to implement these processes. In our new White Paper 2017-05 ‘Why It Is Important to Run Independent Data Checks and Project Reviews’ we expose how to organize these independent checks and why they are so important.

independent_checksIndependent data checks should be focused on the most critical issues for the Project (activities close to critical path, cost items most prone to large deviations), and/or the suppliers and contractors for which limited track record exists. Still it is also important to include some random checks on less critical elements to verify that the overall data available is not corrupted.

In an interesting parallel with the independent data checks for data assurance, we believe that the Project Control Manager should also implement an independent communication check program. This aims at ensuring through an independent check the effectiveness of all the formal communication channels providing data to Project Control.

The most essential element of independent checks is to expose the Project from time to time to external eyes at the detailed level. The form of this exposure varies but generally involves a team of experienced external reviewers spending one to two weeks within the Project, in the Project office as well as on the construction site where relevant.

Having outsiders will allow a fresh view on the Project execution and its strategy. The review if successful will confirm a number of actions and will ask challenging questions on other areas.

Due to some organizational cultural reasons some of these independent checks are not always implemented whereas they do provide consistently substantial value to Projects, and provide assurance to senior management that what is reported is consistent with reality. Independent reviews and check must be applied, in particular if there is resistance from the Project, which may indicate that some issues might need to be uncovered.

Read our new White Paper 2017-05 ‘Why It Is Important to Run Independent Data Checks and Project Reviews’ to understand better how to run independent checks on your projects!

If you can’t access the link to the white paper, copy and paste the following link in your browser: http://www.projectvaluedelivery.com/_library/2017-05_Independent_Checks_v0.pdf

Find all these principles of Practical Project Control exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Practical Project Control Manager Handbook: coverPractical Project Control Manager Handbook (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)
