7 Simple Methods to Improve your Project Risk Brainstorming Sessions

The brainstorming of Opportunities and Risks for any projects is an essential process which seeks to be as complete as possible. It is thus essential to open as much as possible the results of the brainstorming process. Our new White Paper 2015-09 ‘7 Simple Methods to Improve your Project Opportunity and Risk Brainstorming Sessions’ focuses on a few conventional and less conventional methods that can be used easily to greatly enhance the power of the brainstorming exercise.

brainstormingHere are the methods developed in the paper:

  1. Require a facilitator
  2. Brainstorm as a team
  3. Brainstorm Opportunities before Risks
  4. Use Post-Its
  5. Use the Pre-Mortem method
  6. Use Lessons Learned from previous projects
  7. Use general categories for project failure as prompts





Proper effective brainstorming of Opportunities and Risks should be taken seriously. It enhances the changes to capture effectively events that could impact the project and more generally, pushes back the boundary of the Unknown-Unknowns. Without more effort from the project team members, using proper brainstorming approaches will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the process and the quality of the result. Follow the simple rules and methods exposed in our new White Paper 2015-09 ‘7 Simple Methods to Improve your Project Opportunity and Risk Brainstorming Sessions’ and you’ll be astonished at how the effectiveness of your brainstorming sessions increases!

Find all these principles of Project Risk Management exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Practical Risk Management Handbook for Project Managers: coverPractical Project Risk Management for Project Managers (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)
