How to Design a Proper Cost Breakdown Structure for Project Execution

The effectiveness of Project Cost Control lies very much in the design and implementation of a proper Cost Breakdown Structure that is fit for purpose. In our new White Paper 2014-05 we explain what the important characteristics of such a breakdown structure are, and how it should be implemented in projects.

focus and magnification tools

Make sure that your Cost Breakdown Structure responds to your needs in terms of focus and magnification!

For example, contrary to what many think, more details is not necessarily better and the Cost Breakdown Structure must find the right compromise when it comes to its size and level of detail. It shall then be spread throughout the organization’s systems to ensure a comprehensive and effective usage. The thorough maintenance and implementation of a proper Cost Breakdown structure in all the relevant systems and processes is then essential when it comes to Project Cost Control.

Discover further in our new White Paper 2014-05 “How to Design a Proper Project Execution Cost Breakdown Structure” what are the 15 key parameters to take into account to design the best Cost Breakdown Structure for your project!

Find all these principles of Project Cost Control exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Practical Cost Control Handbook for Project Managers: coverPractical Project Cost Control for Project Managers (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)
