What to Look at When Conducting a Schedule Statistical Analysis

We have observed that Schedule Statistical Analysis, when implemented, is often interpreted wrongly or does not bring the expected value. Beyond the obvious results (finish date) however, such an analysis can bring troves of useful information, through a deeper understanding of the project schedule’s drivers. In particular, Schedule Statistical Analysis can be used to identify improvements that can significantly enhance the robustness of a project schedule. In our new White Paper 2013-10 we explain what you should really look at when conducting a Schedule Statistical Analysis (SSA) – and how such an analysis should be conducted.

statisticsLike any model of reality, SSA has a lot of limitations and its results should absolutely not be taken as granted. A lot of real-life effects are not modeled in the simulation.

We believe that the most important result is to understand how robust the critical path of the deterministic schedule really is. The White Paper gives key tips in how to improve the resilience of the project schedule based on the SSA result.

A very large proportion of our clients do not use Schedule Statistical Analysis (SSA) properly, and do not look at the right results. This tends to diminish the value of SSA in the eye of decision-makers.

This latest White Paper 2013-10 shows in detail what is the right approach for SSA and what are the types of results that can be – and cannot be – expected. As with any tool, SSA is a very powerful tool if its limitations are properly understood as well as what type of understanding it can really bring.
