The Fallacies of All-Encompassing ERPs for Project Companies

It is a trend to invest in all-encompassing project management systems (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems). It helps gain efficiency, allows real time dashboards to be available, and avoids manual handling of data, a common source of error and delay.

ERP system overview

ERP system: is it the right solution?

ERP systems have been developed mainly for a manufacturing-type environment. Even if they start to have project management modules, should you rely on them to control your projects?

Our answer is no, if you want to keep fully intact the integrity of your company’s project control systems. ERP force you to work according to manufacturing-designed workflows. You might even lose control over large, complex projects. Find out why in our new White Paper “The Fallacies of All-Encompassing Enterprise Management Systems (ERPs) for Project Companies“.

It is easy to fall victim of the ERP proponents advertisement and believe that implementing such a system will dramatically enhance productivity and control of the organization. It is just not true for project organizations.

Instead of the huge investment done on massive ERPs, project companies could more wisely spend less money and effort while increasing significantly their level of control on the project outcome. In the sequel 2012-08 “How to Invest in the Right Systems to Execute Your Large, Complex Project”, we will examine what exactly should be done.

For more details, read our new White Paper “The Fallacies of All-Encompassing Enterprise Management Systems (ERPs) for Project Companies“.
