How to Foster Digital Data Capture during Project Construction to Enable Powerful Dashboarding

Capture of relevant digital data is the first step to enable the implementation of improvements generated by data analysis. Digitalisation for the execution of large projects encounters two main obstacles. The first is that it is difficult to encourage on-the-ground live data capture. The second is the management of organizational boundaries across the many contributors (contractors, sub-contractors) engaged in project realization, which are also digital boundaries. Solutions emerge that enable consistent data capture and management across the entire project, allowing reactive dashboarding at the project and even portfolio level; and paving the way for future transformations of project execution. Our new White Paper 2022-09 ‘How to Foster Digital Data Capture during Project Construction to Enable Powerful Dashboarding’ explores current possibilities to dramatically increase project execution digitalisation.

foreman in the construction site controls the project on tablet

To allow digitalisation, timely capture of accurate data, suitably completed by metadata is essential. All words are important in the sentence: capture needs to be timely – this ensures reactiveness and also avoids data being reported in hindsight. Accuracy is also essential not to feed misleading data in the system; this requires a minimum level of oversight and checks. Finally, data needs to be enriched through e.g. pictures and all metadata that can be captured passively from a modern mobile device: GPS location, time, user secure identification, etc. Different solutions can be implemented from automated capture of data to manual capture on connected devices.

Most IT applications are limited by organisational boundaries. Reasons include conventional IT architecture restrictions, data protection and access restrictions, and the reluctance to share data with potential (future) competitors. In projects where the contracting strategy always involves many simultaneous contractors at several levels, this is a strong impediment to seamless digital process work. Different approaches are implemented.

Read our new White Paper 2022-09 ‘How to Foster Digital Data Capture during Project Construction to Enable Powerful Dashboarding’ to have more insight on the different practices, their advantages and drawbacks.

Digitalisation of construction will definitely bring substantial competitive advantage to those companies that embark on the journey, allowing a finer allocation of resources, significant increase in reactivity and tracking of issues. The key to this transformation lies in effectively capturing site data at the source. Proven solutions exist today that enable this crucial step and therefore, all the subsequent value propositions. Implementing those solutions should be a priority in an increasingly competitive construction market.

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