How To Implement Project Processes in a ‘Virtual Project Setup’

We work in new and more ‘virtual’ ways, a development speeded up by the COVID-19 pandemic – and our ways of working will continue to change years to come. Project offices are not an exception. For the new large complex projects operating in a – to a large extent – remote work setting, transferring processes, and reporting to the virtual setup in an efficient way is key to success.

How do we need to work differently in this remote setting, and implement the tools and processes that supports this work?

In our new White Paper 2021-08 ‘How To Implement Project Processes in a ‘Virtual Project Setup’’ we share our experience of planning and implementing processes and reporting in large, complex projects run mostly virtually. They stem from our own experience, discussions in our network and our collaboration with clients who already start up these large, complex projects in the new highly virtual reality.

Virtual project execution produces new constraints that require a more structured approach to coordination and collaboration, as well as to project rituals. Change management needs to be more explicit and properly applied when needed. New processes and tools are required that allow better sharing of information throughout the team, re-enforcing the benefits of project visual management and the maintenance of shared, single source of truth on activities and progress data. The opportunity offered by the extended team and a further integration of projects beyond organizational boundaries can now be grasped and can offer substantial benefits in particular for very complex projects.

Read our new White Paper 2021-08 ‘How To Implement Project Processes in a ‘Virtual Project Setup’’ to understand in detail the challenges that need to be overcome and how to deal with them.

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