How Implementing and Owning a Strong Interface Management Process is Essential for Owners

In our work for Owners driving large, complex projects we too often identify processes that do not have the resilience and consistency that would be required. This may be due to several factors and dramatically impacts the success rate of the project. In our new White Paper 2019-03 ‘How Implementing and Owning a Strong Interface Management Process is Essential for Owners’ we investigate Interface Management in more detail, possible reasons for oversight, consequences on the project and ways to implement a proper approach.

This issue is applicable to Owners driving large, complex projects involving several Contractors and scopes. Even if a single EPC Contractor is contractor for most of the scope, interface management is generally still required when considering the full scope of the project from the Owner perspective. The issue is obviously more acute and interface points substantially more numerous when several contractors are involved on separate sections of the scope.

Consequences of the lack of interface management on project outcome can be quite dramatic. While the previous phases of the project development process should have anticipated and described as much as possible many interfaces between parties, it is essential at any point during project development and execution to be able to manage new emerging interface issues. Unfortunately we find that many Owners do not sufficiently consider this aspect.

Interface Management is an essential process that must be taken seriously by the Owner to ensure proper control of the project and a successful outcome. We believe the responsibility should not be delegated or subcontracted, as it has dramatic consequences on the successful outcome of the project while not being onerous in terms of resources if well designed. Interface management is indispensable – why is it too often overlooked by Owners? Read our new White Paper 2019-03 ‘How Implementing and Owning a Strong Interface Management Process is Essential for Owners’ for some answers.

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