How to Handle Large Complex Projects That Involve Remote Sites

Some types of Large Complex Projects involve construction in remote areas that have low levels of pre-existing infrastructure. This can even reach the point of having to include in the project scope to build some or all of the transportation, communication and accommodation infrastructure required for the project and/or the continuous operation of the facility. The challenges associated with these projects must be tackled specifically since the success of the project may lie as much in the successful delivery of these surrounding scopes as in the delivery of the core facility itself. Other issues to be considered include the proper preparation regarding tooling and equipment. In a first White Paper we have presented how to rate the remoteness of a project. In our new White Paper 2018-14 ‘How to Handle Large Complex Projects That Involve Remote Sites’ we will develop how to account for remoteness in the execution plan of the project.

Remoteness has a major impact on project execution. It will drive cost and a large part of the contracting strategy. Spare capacity in terms of quantities and schedule will impact cost and overall project schedule, and they need to be understood from the start when building the overall business plan of the project.

It is critical to develop a proper quantified understanding of the productivity and logistics issues faced at the site as early as possible during the project definition phase and at the start of execution. This requires proper site familiarisation and early testing at a smaller scale of construction operations.

Read our new White Paper 2018-14 ‘How to Handle Large Complex Projects That Involve Remote Sites’to have detailed insights about the activities and precautions that are needed for projects in remote sites.

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