How to Develop the Project Management Maturity Level of an Organization

Improving the Project Management Maturity Level of an organization is a must to improve the predictability and cost-effectiveness of project execution, in particular for Large and Complex Projects. Following up on our White Papers on measuring the maturity level of an organisation, in our new White Paper 2018-09 ‘How to Develop the Project Management Maturity Level of an Organization’ we examine what are the conditions and the constraints for maturity enhancement of a project-driven organization.

Increasing the Project Management Maturity Level of an organization is a must to confidently tackle larger and more complex projects. Our experience shows that it is generally not the result of a natural continuous improvement program. Maturity levels typically improve by jumps occasioned by targeted transformation programs, because they require substantial changes of paradigm and habits for employees. These programs are often implemented after a particularly negative experience in the execution of a project or as a result of the arrival of executives that have experienced more mature organizations.

Transformation projects are necessarily long projects from 6 to 18 months because of the time to change habits and the need to include a comprehensive roll-out of new tools and solutions and associated substantial training for employees. They are therefore a substantial investment for the organization.

Project Management Maturity Improvement projects follow the same general phasing as transformation projects. PVD applies the ‘4D’ approach:

  • Phase 1: Discovery, measurement of maturity on all applicable dimensions,
  • Phase 2: Definition: definition of priorities and key deliverables; full scope definition; overall implementation schedule,
  • Phase 3: Development: key deliverables are developed and tested,
  • Phase 4: Deployment: roll-out: and deployment of new working habits, processes and systems throughout the organization, within a comprehensive Change Management plan.

Improving the Project Management Maturity Level of an organization requires a comprehensive organization transformation project. It needs to address in a comprehensive manner a large number of dimensions of the organization. It also needs to be carefully prioritized and timed to fit with the needs of the organization. However, it is a must for an organization to be mature enough to successfully tackle Large Complex Projects. Discover in detail how to proceed in our new White Paper 2018-09 ‘How to Develop the Project Management Maturity Level of an Organization’.

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