How to Implement Information Systems in an Effective Manner in Project-Driven Organisations

In a series of White Papers, based on our extensive experience in this area, we cover challenges of Information Systems in project-driven organisations: from the overall architecture to systems implementation, development and ongoing management. In this second White Paper 2018-04 ‘How to Implement Information Systems in an Effective Manner in Project-Driven Organisations’ we cover the specific challenges of implementing commercial Information Systems. Implementation projects can be disruptive and even sometimes fail to bring value to the business. Key success factors of those implementation projects are described in the paper.

High level best practices include:

  • Implement first the most standard version of the software
  • Design an implementation team driven by the business
  • Do not force functionalities upon a software that is not initially designed for. Prefer niche software
  • Avoid too much customisation that will impede version update
  • Be careful with automated interfaces – and specifically if they are bi-directional

Proper leadership of such projects is required, insisting on minimum customisation, selection of proper solutions that fit the business needs and the overall Systems Architecture. This is the role of strong Information Systems management resources, which are too often lacking in organisations.

Implementing new software systems is a major cost for organizations. It often carries substantial risk and requires substantial involvement of the business. Our new White Paper 2018-04 ‘How to Implement Information Systems in an Effective Manner in Project-Driven Organisations’ describes best practices which we believe carry substantial opportunities for organisations.

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