Why Striving for a One-Size-Fits-All Project Management Model in Your Organization is Fundamentally Wrong

Contrary to what most quality processes and project management books would suggest, you can’t afford to have a one-size-fits-all project management model in your organization, if you tackle at the same time simple and complex projects.

Designing your organizational structure

Designing your organizational structure

In the White Paper 2012-02, a sequel to the White Paper 2012-01 “Why You Can’t just Scale Up from Small, Simple to Large, Complex projects, we examine the impact of this statement on the project management organization.

It basically boils down to one observation: small, simple projects and large, complex projects do not follow the same business model. And when you have two different business models you need to separate them in two different business units if you want to run both of them in a focused and effective manner.

Read White Paper 2012-02, “Why Striving for a One-Size-Fits-All Project Management Model in Your Organization is Fundamentally Wrong. A ground-breaking paper that might lead you envisage your organization differently!


Don’t miss ‘Project Soft Power’ talk by Jeremie Averous on 6 March 2012 in Singapore!

We are happy to announce that a public talk by Jeremie Averous, Project Value Delivery’s Senior Managing Partner, will be held on 6 March 2012 at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in Singapore at 7:30pm. This talk is hosted by SPMI, the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute. More information on this event on the website of the SPMI.

Project Soft Power characters

Wonder who are these Project Soft Power characters?

Pencil already this event in your agendas to discover Project Soft Power, the Secret of the Great Project Leaders! in a unique occasion before the publication of the book later this year!

“The most successful project leaders rely not only on their technical and analytical skills, but also on strong personal and interpersonal practices. This speech will allow participants to understand the 5 practices of Project Soft Power, and how everybody can learn and practice them.”


Why you can’t Just Scale Up Your Way from Small, Simple to Large, Complex Projects

In this post we’ll go in a bit more detail in the contents of our White Paper 2012-01. Many leaders of organizations that have been successful running small, simple projects believe that tackling large, complex projects is only a question of scaling. Problem: it is just not true. And this explains why so many project-oriented organizations fail to grow, or fail altogether.

Complexity is defined by the fact that a large number of interdependent contributors each follow their own aim and interests. When complex systems include a large number of inter- dependency, their outcome is not predictable beyond a certain time frame, exactly like weather.

Project Manager running after time

Project Manager running after time

The logic, the mindset of managing large, complex projects has to be very different from managing smaller projects. The project managers’ experience also needs to be fundamentally different. Yet many organizations try to manage complex projects with a mindset of small project and they fail miserably.

Discover more in our White Paper 2012-01, “Why you can’t Just Scale Up Your Way from Small, Simple to Large, Complex Projects.

A sequel, White paper 2012-02 “Why Striving for a One-Size-Fits-All Project Management Model in Your Organization is Wrong addresses the related organizational consequences.


Registration is now open for access to exclusive resources!

We have now setup a registration system for Project Value Delivery. When you register you benefit from the following advantages:

  • Project Value Delivery’s updates directly on your email
  • Access to exclusive resources and documents, as well as to the history of all of Project Value Delivery’s publication
  • invitations to exclusive Project Value Delivery’s events

Registration is now open, we hope you will be many to join Project Value Delivery’s community!


We are proud of our integrity. We will never communicate your details to anybody. We will not spam you, and you can unsubscribe at any time.


First PVD White Papers published!

PVD just published its first White Papers!

PVD white paper outline

PVD white paper series

They present project management issues related to Large, Complex Projects in a new and often unconventional light. We expect to build progressively a significant knowledge basis for large, complex projects management, that will be used by many professionals.

Now available publicly are our first four White Paper on very exciting and structural topics:

  • Why you can’t Just Scale Up Your Way from Small, Simple to Large, Complex Projects [2012-01]
  • Why Striving for a One-Size-Fits-All Project Management Model in Your Organization is Fundamentally Wrong [2012-02]
  • The Fallacies of Conventional Scheduling for Large, Complex Projects and How to Overcome them [2012-03]
  • Convergence Management: the Key to Large, Complex Projects Success [2012-04]

Some other White Papers are already available for registered users. Don’t forget to Register to receive notifications on new White Papers and exclusive additional information!


Project Value Delivery is now LIVE!!

Project Value Delivery is now live and fully active on the consulting market for large, complex projects!

PVD logo 200x200

We ambition to become a reference on the management of large, complex projects.

Watch out in the next few days as we publish our first White Papers and our first Newsletter, “Projection”!


PVD ready for launch… we are entering the runway for take-off!

After a lot of background work, Project Value Delivery is ready for its launch early February 2012.

aerodynamic forces on an airplane

airplane engineering, the same principle as company engineering?

We have worked on the engine to increase thrust, and streamlined the aerodynamics to minimize the drag and improve the lift. As we are now aligning at the end of the runway we believe we have quite a good aircraft prototype that should take off before the end of the runway!

Lots of news and materials will be put on line beginning of February: White Papers, a first newsletter, and some surprises!

You will also have the possibility to register for FREE to have exclusive access to Project Value Delivery documents.

Stay tuned!
