From 1D to 3D Projects: the Dimensional Factor in Infrastructure Project Complexity

A number of factors determine Project complexity. One of them is often underestimated – it is the effective construction dimensionality of the final infrastructure being built. While quite naturally some industries manage well by keeping it low, it explains the exceptional level of complexity of some project realisations. Full 3D project objects are the most difficult and complex to plan and build. In our new White Paper 2016-20 ‘From 1D to 3D Projects: the Dimensional Factor in Infrastructure Project Complexity’ we investigate the role of this factor in the difficulty and complexity of projects.

ITER, a full 3D project of very high complexity

ITER, a full 3D project of very high complexity

Project dimensionality is not necessarily only a property of the final object; it is also intrinsically linked to the manner with which the final infrastructure is being built. Projects generally try to minimize the dimensionality as part of their execution plan. We describe typical 1D, 1D+, 2D, 2D+ and 3D projects.

The added complexity of 3D projects can readily be understood taking into account the specific constraints on project execution created by the 3D circumstance. Several levels must be considered when scheduling the built, which impacts the entire chain from Engineering to Procurement. It will also make the execution plan much less flexible and most common productivity measures irrelevant to the performance of the project.

Dimensional complexity is a major factor that influences execution complexity and constraint. It should be minimized as much as possible. If it is not possible to avoid 3D complexity, the project should try to devise an execution plan that regains as much flexibility as possible with several potential work-fronts, while clearly establishing the priority sequencing for engineering and procurement taking into account the third dimension.

Full 3D facilities are amongst the most challenging projects and require the utmost applicable of the complex projects toolbox. 3D project characteristics should not be taken lightly. Discover why in our new White Paper 2016-20 ‘From 1D to 3D Projects: the Dimensional Factor in Infrastructure Project Complexity’
