How to Perform Project Re-Baselining and Still Continue to Control the Project

Re-baselining during Project execution is sometimes inevitable when events make reference to the previously established baseline inadequate. This should remain a rare occurrence, inasmuch as any re-baselining exercise requires a lot of time and effort to be performed. A particular issue then arises, which is to continue to control the Project on the basis of the previous baseline while the new baseline is established and reviewed. In our new White Paper 2016-16 ‘How to Perform Project Re-Baselining and Still Continue to Control the Project’ we discuss all those challenges of Project re-baselining.

rebaseliningImplementing a re-baseline exercise at the same time as continuing to run the normal Project reporting and updating cycles on the basis of the previous baseline can be a challenge from the resource point of view, and needs to be carefully planned, as this effort will typically span over several months. Issuance of updated reference registers and schedules need to be coordinated in a clear manner to avoid confusion. Proper communication need to be maintained will all contributors regarding new expectations for planned dates.

During that period it is essential to continue updating the previous reference for actual and forecast data to ensure a continuous Project piloting. However, that reference is now not really applicable to the Project. This will create problems between what is reported and what is really happening and it is a dangerous situation from the perspective of keeping the Project in control.

Re-baselining is an exercise which effort and duration is too often underestimated. At the same time, continuing Project execution when the reference is being changes can always be tricky and commercial discussions do not help keep this transition phase short and easy.

Re-baselining exercises should thus be approached with care and method to be successful. A specific work plan is recommended with clarity to the team as to which version of the various registers and schedules is applicable. Read our new White Paper 2016-16 ‘How to Perform Project Re-Baselining and Still Continue to Control the Project’ for more details in how to implement re-baselining successfully!

Find all these principles of Practical Project Control exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Practical Project Control Manager Handbook: coverPractical Project Control Manager Handbook (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)
