Why you can’t Just Scale Up Your Way from Small, Simple to Large, Complex Projects

In this post we’ll go in a bit more detail in the contents of our White Paper 2012-01. Many leaders of organizations that have been successful running small, simple projects believe that tackling large, complex projects is only a question of scaling. Problem: it is just not true. And this explains why so many project-oriented organizations fail to grow, or fail altogether.

Complexity is defined by the fact that a large number of interdependent contributors each follow their own aim and interests. When complex systems include a large number of inter- dependency, their outcome is not predictable beyond a certain time frame, exactly like weather.

Project Manager running after time

Project Manager running after time

The logic, the mindset of managing large, complex projects has to be very different from managing smaller projects. The project managers’ experience also needs to be fundamentally different. Yet many organizations try to manage complex projects with a mindset of small project and they fail miserably.

Discover more in our White Paper 2012-01, “Why you can’t Just Scale Up Your Way from Small, Simple to Large, Complex Projects.

A sequel, White paper 2012-02 “Why Striving for a One-Size-Fits-All Project Management Model in Your Organization is Wrong addresses the related organizational consequences.
