Abundant literature exists that confront agile and waterfall (predictive) approaches to projects. The two approaches to project management are not necessarily exclusive, and a project plan can benefit from both. Like tools, it is important to know when and how they can be used. In our new White Paper [2023-01] \’When is Agile Project Management Suitable for Industrial Projects?\’, we expand on how to use agile or waterfall on large, complex industrial projects.

Because long lead time hardware is involved which often cannot be modified without substantial consequences on the project, industrial projects are mainly executed in waterfall project management mode and will remain so in the future. However, agile project management approaches could be used more frequently and explicitly during the project definition phases, and to tackle certain issues during execution, in particular to respond to unexpected situations. Therefore, lessons learnt and practices from agile project management could still be deployed with substantial value in those areas.
Read our new White Paper [2023-01] \’When is Agile Project Management Suitable for Industrial Projects?\’, to understand better in what circumstances agile project management can be deployed and how.
If you can\’t access the link to the white paper, copy and paste the following link in your browser: https://www.projectvaluedelivery.com/_library/2023-01_when_agile_suitable_compared_waterfall_v1.pdf