Project success is defined very differently by different people and project stakeholders. What is really a successful project? Project Value Delivery has a very clear view on this: it is a project that delivers what was expected on time, and on budget. This simple definition has a lot of consequences. Achieving it need to overcome the factory mindset and invest in two counterintuitive key practices: teams and buffers.
Find out why and how in our new White Paper 2012-10: \”What Should “Project Success” Really Mean? The Counter-intuitive Path to Complex Projects’ Success\”.

Success means different things to different people. Because so many project fail, success interpretation is always clumsy. There is just one sustainable definition of project success: on time and budget. And by implementing the right organizational principles, leveraging on the effectiveness of integrated project teams and implementing some resource buffers, project success can be achieved much more reliably.
Find out how in our new White Paper 2012-10: \”What Should “Project Success” Really Mean? The Counter-intuitive Path to Complex Projects’ Success\”.