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What ‘Reserved Scope’ Should Owners Specifically Manage

Owners of large, complex projects have substantial responsibilities to ensure the success of the projects they drive. In our new White Paper 2019-05 \’What ‘Reserved Scope’ Should Owners Specifically Manage\’ we detail what are the issues that we believe should be specifically managed by the Owner, as part of a ‘Reserved Scope’ that cannot be delegated to Contractors.

\"\"Owners, and in particular Owner organisations that drive large, complex projects infrequently, tend to try to keep the Owner project team lean in terms of Owner staff. However, a number of activities have to be performed by the Owner in the project. Delegating them without close Owner oversight can be very risky. The White Paper gives a comprehensive list of areas of accountability, and henceforth, of the Owner\’s \’reserved scope\’.

We strongly believe that because of the accountability of the Owner, part of its scope cannot be delegated to contributors or Contractors that are involved in the actual project execution (and may thus have conflicts of interests). Keeping this scope under direct Owner oversight is an essential project success factor. It has to be taken into account when dimensioning and budgeting the Owner team. Read our new White Paper 2019-05 \’What ‘Reserved Scope’ Should Owners Specifically Manage\’ to know more about this issue and how to address it upfront.

If you can\’t access the link to the white paper, copy and paste the following link in your browser:

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