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Understand the Specifics of Large Renewable Energy Projects

Large renewable projects and in particular, offshore wind and hydropower projects are becoming more prevalent. They have some specifics that owners and contractors should be aware of. These specifics are due to the specific type of energy source (low density, wide area), and also on the financing requirements as many of those projects are financed using institutional or non-recourse financing. In our new White Paper [2022-04] \’Specifics of Large Renewable Energy Projects\’ we detail some key specifics of those projects.


As large renewable projects become more widespread, it is useful to remember that such projects have some important specific aspects. A lot derive from the fact that such projects are very capital intensive, in terms of share of Capex in the overall economics. Also, due to the low density of the energy source, they tend to spread over a much wider acreage. The current scale of such projects and their sheer number creates bottlenecks in the supply-chain that need to be considered early. Also, series effect, while creating potentially significant savings, can also be a major risk if not properly addressed. Finally, financing arrangements have also to be considered carefully to keep a proper decision-making and governance framework.

All of these aspects need to be understood and require prudence for owners that are involved in other energy sources and would like to develop large renewables projects. Contractors must also understand those factors to keep their risk profile under control.

Read our new White Paper [2022-04] \’Specifics of Large Renewable Energy Projects\’ for those specificities of large renewable energy projects that need to be fully understood before addressing this type of projects.

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