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The Economic Justification of Proper IT tools to Support a Large, Complex Project

Following our White Paper on “How to Build Quickly and Cheaply the System Infrastructure You Need to Execute a Large, Complex Project” [2012-08] we have received numerous questions about how to justify the Return on Investment of such investment.


A new PVD White Paper [2012-19] \”The Economic Justification of Proper IT tools to Support a Large, Complex Project\” demonstrates that even in the context of a single, stand-alone Large, Complex Project, the Return On Investment is so significant that it is difficult to justify not to implement the right systems – and that actually it would be extremely dangerous not to do it.

In this White Paper we put down some numbers for a mock large project and how much it would cost to setup a minimum IT infrastructure that would respond to its needs. Benefits of appropriate systems are twofold:

  • direct improvement of productivity
  • indirect performance improvement through accurate dashboard and situation measurement, resulting in lower \’Cost of Non-Quality\’.

All in all, while the systems investment might be of the order of 1 to 1.6M$, the return on investment is at least ten-fold.

Moreover, it would be extremely dangerous to start a Large, Complex Project without a minimum infrastructure: the risk is to lose completely the control of the project. Investing in a minimal IT infrastructure is nowadays necessary and easy to justify.

The romantic days of the lonesome and heroic project managers that could keep a total overview and control of the project on an Excel spreadsheet are gone; they will fade in mythology as the cowboys did. The era of the high-performing structured project team, supported by powerful IT systems to address complexity, has come. Don’t resist – and face inevitable extinction.

Read our new PVD White Paper [2012-19] \”The Economic Justification of Proper IT tools to Support a Large, Complex Project\”

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