We are very pleased to announce the publication of our new book, which we certainly expect to be a future standard reference book in the area of project management: our Industrial Projects Practical Owner Guide.
Based on our consulting experience, we have found that many owners struggle to set up the right approach to properly frame and control their projects. This book is an essential guide to support all owners of industrial projects. As usual in our approach, it is simple and to the point, yet practical and comprehensive.
The book also covers all the phases of the projects including practical project execution issues and challenges such as contractor management or when to stop a project that has gone wrong.
This book addresses specifically the project challenges from the owner perspective, which are not often addressed in a comprehensive manner in project management literature.
You can find the link to the Foreword and introduction here and the link to the Table of Content here.
Some praise from the foreword:
\”Jeremie Averous\’ guide addresses all these issues and a few more. He does so with a great deal of clarity, common sense and humility, backed by proven experience in the field, which does not start from great theories but from the observation of facts. It covers from special cases to global statistics, from successes but also, no less interesting, to failures which are unfortunately still very frequent. Quite a piece of advice to be put in everyone\’s hands!\” – Bruno Bensasson – Chairman and CEO of EDF Renewable Energy

\”The salutary objective of this book is to develop an understanding of the pitfalls of industrial projects for project owners. I hope that it will find an attentive audience and that it will indeed help to increase the performance of projects.\” – Yannick d\’Escatha, former Chairman and CEO, French Space Agency
The book is available on all e-bookshops as well as in Kindle format on Amazon. Here are the links for amazon.com (paperback and kindle) and amazon.co.uk (paperback and kindle)
It has been also simultaneously translated in French and is available in this language too. Here is the link to the French version of the book on amazon.fr and to the kindle version on amazon.fr.
Do not miss: For a limited time frame, a launch promotion applies to the Kindle version of the book (9.90 USD or the equivalent in local currency)
If you can\’t access the links, copy and paste the following in your browser: Foreword and Introduction: https://www.projectvaluedelivery.com/_files/Owner_handbook_EN_Foreword_Intro.pdf ; Table of Contents: https://www.projectvaluedelivery.com/_files/Owner_handbook_EN_ToC_Index.pdf