We are pleased to give a speech at the FCCS on 21 February at 8:15 (breakfast talk) on the topic of \”Large and Complex Projects in Asia-Pacific: Harnessing Consulting & Transition Management to Address Challenges and Opportunities\”, together with X-PM, a leading transition management company.
Follow this link to the event and for registration (reserved for FCCS members).
Global statistics show that two out of three large projects fail (i.e., do not meet the original financial and operational objectives) and that some major project failures have dire consequences on owners and/or contractors, sometimes leading to the bankruptcy or loss of independence of those organizations.
Indeed, large, complex projects (in the multi-billion dollar range, as is often the case in industries like Oil & Gas, Mining or Energy) are posing daunting challenges to leadership and management in various mission critical situations. In this context, conventional management, classical accounting and planning are often not effective, and these projects usually require out-of-the-box support in the form of specific expertise, consulting and transition management services. Importantly, taking charge of a large, complex project, or taking it over in the midst of its execution, requires specific skills and experience.
Transition management is relatively a new notion in Asia-Pacific but it is rapidly gaining ground in the fast-growing markets of the region. But what is it? Basically, transition management consists in providing clients with hands-on management resources, within a specific timeframe, with well-defined objectives, especially when companies are faced with critical challenges or opportunities that they cannot fully address with internal resources.
Participants to this stimulating session will take away from the speakers, Jeremie Averous, Senior Managing Partner of Project Value Delivery Pte Ltd and Patrick Laredo, CEO of X-PM Transition Partners, issues faced by these project leaders and a good understanding on how exciting but challenging projects can greatly benefit from an innovative approach like transition management.
We will publish the slides on the PVD website after the event.