A proper Project Start-Up is essential to the success of a Project. It is an investment which will redeem itself many times over the course of Project execution. However it is always a hurried phase which too often leads Project Managers to not spending enough time on key set-up areas, or even by-passing them. In our new White Paper 2016-13 \’Project Start-Up Essentials\’ we discuss some key steps of Project Start-Up and present Project Value Delivery’s roadmap to Project start.

The objectives of Project start-up should, in general, be the following (in that order):
- Recovering all relevant data and knowledge from the feasibility study / tender phase – this includes a comprehensive set of data together with softer knowledge about the Project and Client context,
- Formalizing the Project Objectives and related KPIs (refer to our White Paper 2012-13 ‘Define Clearly your Project Objectives! Why is this Key Project Step so Often Skipped?’
- Establishing an effective Project core team, which includes:
o Mobilizing relevant personnel,
o Defining organization, roles and responsibilities,
o Organizing a proper working space (Project Office) in a format that enhances collaboration,
o Establishing adequate processes for information management and decision-making,
o Ensuring that the team reaches an effective team performance level as quickly as possible, - Detailing and confirming the Project execution plan and strategy, and establish the relevant baseline (Scope, Cost, Schedule, Master Document Register, Procurement Plan, manpower plan). The baseline also includes a consistent breakdown structure used throughout the Project for all data gathering and processing,
- Establishing clear accountabilities in terms of cost and schedule according to the Project breakdown structure,
- Establishing adequate communication and information protocols within the Project and with the key Project stakeholders (which will include Senior Management, Project sponsor, Discipline Managers in the organization as well as Client/Owner and main vendors and contractors).
This involves in particular the implementation of:
o A consistent data structure across all functions to allow for proper data exchange and comparison consistent with the
baseline setup,
o Relevant periodic reporting protocols and forms, as well as the development of a relevant stakeholder management strategy.
Find this process detailed and more in our new White Paper 2016-13 \’Project Start-Up Essentials\’!
Find all these principles of Practical Project Control exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, Practical Project Control Manager Handbook (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)