We have been very honored to give the keynote speech to the annual seminar of Escofin, the group of estimating and cost control managers from the major project-driven companies based in France. The presentation is now accessible on Slideshare, both in a French (original) and English versions.
Cost Estimation and Control on Projects: Addressing today\’s challenges from Jeremie Averous
Estimation et contrôle des coûts sur les projets: répondre aux défis d\’aujourd\’hui (FRENCH) from Jeremie Averous
If you can\’t access the links, copy and paste the following
In English https://www.slideshare.net/ProjectValueDelivery/cost-estimation-and-control-on-projects-addressing-todays-challenges
In French https://www.slideshare.net/ProjectValueDelivery/estimation-et-contrle-des-cots-sur-les-projets-rpondre-aux-dfis-daujourdhui-french