We are pleased to announce that our new book \’Practical Project Risk Handbook for Project Managers (a Guide to Enhance Opportunities and Manage Risks on Large, Complex Projects)\’ is now published and available worldwide!
In this new book we unravel the Opportunity and Risk management process. We also suggest some contrarian ideas on how to make this process significantly more effective.
\”If this unprecedented little book had to be condensed in a single sentence it could be: \’when managing a project you have to expect the unexpected and this is the way to be prepared for it\’. Page after page it is filled with practical recommendations directly drawn from the author’s involvement in contracting activities and the day to day management of large industrial projects.\” – Jean-Pierre Capron.
In exclusivity for you, faithful followers of Project Value Delivery, here is a link to the Table of Contents, Index and Introduction; and another link to the Chapter 1 & 2 – all accessible to you as downloads for free (pdf format)!
In the next few weeks we will share with you in the form of White Papers some insights from the book – stay tuned!
If you are interested by the book here below are the links to some Amazon stores; it is also available on Kindle if you prefer the e-book format. Enjoy!