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New Edition of our Project Scheduling Handbook for Project Managers

We are proud to announce the publishing of the 2nd edition of our reference handbook on project scheduling for project managers. It has been written by Jeremie Averous with the help from Thierry Linares and Farhang Pakzad for certain chapters.


This updated, must-have practical handbook for Large, Complex Projects originated in the trenches of actual Project execution. It differs markedly from most handbooks on Project scheduling by taking the Project Manager’s point of view. It thus fills a gap between Project management and Schedule professionals to create useful conversations in organizations.

It is not a heavy and detailed bible, but rather a practical reference for Project practitioners in Large Projects. Those Projects require specific approaches to deal with size and complexity.

Project Scheduling needs to reflect accurately the condition of the Project, coordinate effectively the work of all contributors and be used to define execution strategies. It is also used to support commercial claims. This handbook presents groundbreaking methods and principles to improve significantly the benefits and reliability of the Project Scheduling process.

In this practical Handbook specifically written by and for the Project Manager, discover how to upgrade significantly the effectiveness of Project Scheduling for Large Complex Projects.

The handbook is available both on paperback (on your favorite e-bookshop) and kindle format (on Amazon). Here are the links for (paperback, kindle), (paperback, kindle), (paperback, kindle). Enjoy the read!

If you can\’t access the links, just look for the book or the authors on your favorite online bookshop.

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