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How to Rate the Remoteness of Project Sites

Some types of Large Complex Projects involve construction in remote areas that have low levels of pre-existing infrastructure. This can reach the point of having to include in the project scope to build some or all of the transportation, communication and accommodation infrastructure required for the project and/or the continuous operation of the facility. The challenges associated with these projects must be tackled specifically since the success of the project may lie as much in the successful delivery of these surrounding scopes as in the delivery of the core facility itself. In our new White Paper 2018-13 \’How to Rate the Remoteness of Project Sites\’ we describe how to rate the remoteness of project sites. In the next White Paper we describe to account for remoteness when planning for project execution.

\"\"From the project perspective, a remote site is a site that does not benefit from pre-existing infrastructure commensurate with the intended construction activity, size or technology of the intended facility.
Beyond obvious issues such as site access, the availability of the relevant technology level is an essential parameter that needs to be considered. For example, the implementation of advanced technology, control and monitoring systems in a country that does not have the relevant competencies creates issues related to technology transfer and availability of local support that need to be addressed.

In addition, the time required to obtain missing or additional specific tooling, consumables or spares could also have a major impact on project execution.

Rating the remoteness of the project is the first step in identifying the difficulties that have to be taken into account when planning project execution. Read our new White Paper 2018-13 \’How to Rate the Remoteness of Project Sites\’ to discover how to rate the remoteness of your project. In the following White Paper we will develop how to deal with remote projects in terms of execution planning.

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1 thought on “How to Rate the Remoteness of Project Sites”

  1. Pingback: How to Handle Large Complex Projects That Involve Remote Sites

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