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How to Overcome the Paradox of Project Control: Traditional Management Control or Support to Project Piloting?

The terminology ‘cost control’ or ‘project control’ stems from industrial business control, traditionally an independent function which role is to effectively police productivity and people and check for fraud. However in a project it is important that Project Control does not limit itself to pure control independently of operations: it also needs to provide the foundation for proper data allowing the project manager to pilot to the project to its destination.

\"\"This paradox – and the need to overcome the ‘control’ terminology – is not always well understood leading to Project Control administered as a pure control function depriving the project of proper navigation tools. Our new White Paper 2017-12 \’How to Overcome the Paradox of Project Control: Is it Traditional Management Control or Support to Project Piloting?\’ elaborates on this paradox and how to overcome it.

In spite of its name, Project Control is not involved in Business Control in the traditional understanding of the term. The term is misleading. Project Control main role is to gather data, check for its accuracy and then produce the relevant indicators that serve to steer the project towards its objectives. This role needs to happen taking into account consistently all major considerations of contract, cost, schedule and risk.

The role related to actual Business Control is very limited. We observe sometimes Project Control resources being used to provide actual Business Control functions. This can be very dangerous.

Read more about this terminology issue and the risks associated in our new White Paper 2017-12 \’How to Overcome the Paradox of Project Control: Is it Traditional Management Control or Support to Project Piloting?\’

If you can\’t access the link to the white paper, copy and paste the following link in your browser:

Find all these principles of Practical Project Control exposed in a comprehensive manner in our new Handbook, \"PracticalPractical Project Control Manager Handbook (now published – click on the link to see it on Amazon!)

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