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How a Diverse, Effective Team is the Only Way to Overcome Complexity

We live and execute projects in an increasingly complex world. In this world, freak events happen beyond normal statistical variation. Still we need to deliver results. Traditional detailed scheduling and analytic approaches cannot tackle complexity beyond a certain threshold. Increasingly, research shows that the real solution is a dedicated, effective team that is diverse and integrated. Discover in our new White Paper 2013-14 how a Diverse, Effective Team is the Only Way to Overcome Complexity.

\"diverseDiverse, integrated teams with a large degree of autonomy are the best response to the unpredictability of complexity. And effective team leadership is about fostering conflict for sound decision-making.

Allow Conflict… but no Blame. In our experience, 100% of the projects where Blame has developed do fail – because then the team is dysfunctional.

The main ingredient for success in complex projects is the team. Nurture it.
The Team is the central success factor for complex projects. Don’t underestimate its influence on the final result. Diverse, integrated teams with a large degree of autonomy are the best response to the unpredictability of complexity. Project leaders need to know how to foster the right team build-up, foster creative conflict, do powerful emotional work in decision-making, and above all, make sure that blame will never take root.
In these conditions, project teams will do extraordinary things. Discover how in our new White Paper 2013-14 how a Diverse, Effective Team is the Only Way to Overcome Complexity.

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