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Happy New Year 2015 from Project Value Delivery!

We wish to all our followers passionate about project leadership and delivery, we wish a great new year 2015. May this new year allow you all to meet your and you families\’ aspirations both personally, and professionally.

\"happy-new-year-2015\"Our PVD community is already strong of more than 600 hundred people who receive our emails periodically and read our White Papers. Our mission continue to be to enhance knowledge about the delivery of Large, Complex Projects: don\’t hesitate to contact us at if you wish to contribute to our Expert papers or, please comment on the posts when they appear (either on the website or on LinkedIn where we publish them as well).

After the very successful Practical Cost Control Handbook publication mid-2014 we have a very busy publishing schedule in 2015 with at least 2 and possibly 3 additional handbooks: a trilogy or a quadri-logy about Project Controls. Stay tuned!

Wish all of us a very successful project delivery year!

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