Project planning is systemically always optimistic. It supposes that tasks are handed over between contributors without any inefficiency, that resources are fully available when they are needed, and even sometimes are not resources loaded so that they are quite unrealistic! What should then be a rule of thumb when it comes to project delays?
In our new White Paper 2013-09 Crude Estimates of Possible Project Overrun we discuss this issue and the fact that we consider that the basic delay that can be expected is generally, on the order of 15 to 20% of the initial project duration.
The White Paper discusses the factors that are favorable and unfavorable for recovery for a particular project.
Unless the project industry makes some efforts to ban competition on the basis of overly optimistic schedules, Owners and Contractors alike must expect significant schedule and cost overruns from their complex projects. The paper gives indications as to what could be done to improve the reliability of project schedules. At Project Value Delivery, we work to explain to Owners and Contractors alike how implementing those good practices at an early stage could avoid so much disappointment and conflicts later. Read our new White Paper 2013-09 Crude Estimates of Possible Project Overrun and join us in this movement seeking to establish less optimistic schedules for large, complex projects!