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Basic Good Practices of Schedule Updates (Expert Corner\’s Paper)

What are the good practices of schedule update to protect yourself and ensure traceability in view of Time Extension Claims?

Herve Baron in his latest Expert Corner\’s paper, \’Project Schedule Updates: Basic Good Practices to Ensure Traceability in View of Time Extension Claims\’, responds to that question by developing those basic practices that need to be applied consistently throughout a project.

\"meltedApplying consistently basic good scheduling practices when updating project schedules is a fundamental factor in ensuring that future claims for Extension of Time can be substantiated, should in effect changes have occurred beyond the control of the Contractor that have impacted the project critical path. Herve goes on to discuss what needs to be done if the new Completion Date appears to exceed the expected date: nothing, at least for 2 or 3 update cycles, until the need for re-planning becomes evident. Further, Herve describes the process of re-planning, which is distinct from schedule re-baselining, as a key process to document effectively.

Read Herve Baron\’s latest Expert Corner\’s paper, \’Project Schedule Updates: Basic Good Practices to Ensure Traceability in View of Time Extension Claims\’!

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