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A new Senior Procurement Consultant for PVD: Jean-Francois Penverne

We are pleased to welcome Jean-Francois Penverne to the Project Value Delivery team. His arrival boosts our capabilities to support our clients in the field of cost reduction and supply-chain review.

\"Jean-FrancoisJean-Francois Penverne is a very experienced procurement professional that has extensive experience in the EPCI project environment as well as the marine environment. Jean-Francois has held senior roles in large projects as well as on corporate VP levels. Jean-Francois’s relevant experiences include:

  • the setup of entire procurement processes in complex and matrix organizations for large projects and project-driven companies,
  • involvement in major tenders or project review for cost analysis,
  • contractual setup and negotiations on complex packages with vendors and contractors,
  • setup procurement organizations and policies for operational, assets and Capex purchase,
  • implementation of comprehensive procurement IT systems (ERP, Enterprise Assets Management, E-procurement, SRM, etc…) in project-driven organizations,
  • development of strategic procurement organizations (e.g. commodity/category  management, framework agreements etc.),
  • design and roll-out of supplier management process and database,
  • implementation of package lead concept and expediting management for post award activity,
  • significant hands-on experience of procurement and logistics in developing and emerging countries, taking into account local content requirements,
  • implementation of procurement cost efficiency initiatives,
  • develop a company set of KPI for procurement and associated reporting.

Jean-Francois is a French citizen. He is married with three children and lives in Singapore.

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