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May 2013

Improve Communication and Synergy between Disciplines to Reach Project Excellence

In several of our consulting assignments we have found that project organizations were too focused on discipline and specialty excellence and did not put enough emphasis on the inter-discipline communication for project delivery – albeit obviously the most effective improvement would have been found there. This new White Paper 2013-05 \”Improving Communication and Synergy between […]

Improve Communication and Synergy between Disciplines to Reach Project Excellence Read More »

How Proper Project Risk Management Goes Against Common Management Thinking

Low probability, high consequence risks happen more often than we usually think and they are the ones that ultimately, shape a company or even an industry. Because they do not happen often, their prevention is easily overlooked and left to the next project. Yet, high risk industries like the nuclear or the aeronautics industry can

How Proper Project Risk Management Goes Against Common Management Thinking Read More »